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95% of ALL Kif boxes you will find are imported from China or India . And being made of the typical import quality and using way too fine of a screen they only hurt the market and give customers a false sence of what a pollen box is supposed to function like.The main thing  making a pollen box function properly is the size and micron of the screen used. Over the years our screen size has evolved into what we think is the perfect size. We use a 83 l.p.i. 203 micron silk screen. This along with other information is hand written in every one of our boxes.

The size of the screen is measured in lines per inch ,other wise known as the L.P.I. What it is, is the number of individual strands per inch of screen material.  The other measurement is referred to as the micron of the screen. One micron also known as a micrometer is one millionth of a meter or one thousandth of a millimeter .001mm or .000039 of an inch. Microns are measurements used to describe the size of a particle allowed to pass through a particular screen. The chart below will give you a good visual of how small a micron actually is.

When you see a micron size listed on something ,the number you are reading is a number taken from a micron chart that people pull off the internet. Its the only one available in the whole world. What it represents is a list of screen meshes and the micron of each mesh. But to figure the correct micron of a screen you need to know the T.D. (thread diameter) of the screen in question. The thickness of an individual strand. Its a separate measurement that only the manufacturer knows or you can measuring it with micrometer yourself. And this size varies from each manufacturer and from the smaller to the larger meshes . The only place it is listed is on the end of a factory roll of screen. 

After noticing this we realized we were using the wrong micron size also. We would label our 83 l.p.i. as a 170 micron  ,which is what it said on this chart. When it actually is  a 203 micron. We came to notice this after doing a bunch of research on what a micron is and thinking REAL hard on how to figure out the micron of our screen. 

And doing so we created a mathematical equation  (shown at bottom of page) that anyone can use to find out the micron of any screen. And to the best of our internet exploring ability its the only one out there.

         This column is a work in progress....More information will be added in the future.
Human Hair
50-70 microns
Fine Beach Sand
90 microns
10 microns
Combustion Particles
2.5 microns